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Sublime Forgiveness (Sublime Series Book 3) Page 7
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Page 7
“As long as it’s clear that we’re just friends.”
“For the love of God woman! It’s clear.” She tries to furrow her brow at me like she’s disappointed in my little outburst but ends up laughing instead. “Why is that so funny?”
“You should have seen your face. I like it when you try to look serious even when you know you’re being ridiculous.” And that right there is why I like her so damn much. She sees me for the real me. I don’t have to try and impress her or worry about offending her when I’m just reacting to her comments. It’s comfortable being around her.
“Okay, smartass. What movie do you want to see?”
“How about that new action flick with what’s his name? That looked good.”
“Sounds good to me.” What guy doesn’t like a girl who voluntarily wants to see an action movie. I mean really, it’s almost like she was made for me. “Tommy is going to be thrilled. He’s wanted to see that one for a long time.”
After getting our half off pizza and three-dollar movie, we head back to my place. Don’t let her size fool you because Maggie can put down some food. She eats half of the large pepperoni pizza leaving nothing but crumbs. Tommy walks in just as we finish cleaning up.
“Really Maggie? You didn’t leave any for me?”
“Sorry, Tommy. What can I say? I’m a growing girl who needs her sustenance. But we did rent that action movie you wanted. Does that make up for all the pizza being gone? Even just a little?” Maggie gives him her puppy dog eyes which doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on him. He just rolls his eyes in response.
“It’s a good thing I already ate or you would be in big trouble. The movie helps but I still think you owe me some pizza, Wilson.”
“You got it. The next time I get paid I will buy an entire pizza just for you.” I give Tommy a sideways glance trying to convey how much I don’t like this conversation. He doesn’t get it. Maggie doesn’t have the money to buy him a damn pizza. I wish he would drop it. But in his defense, he doesn’t know that. I haven’t shared much about her other than the fact that we’re friends.
I’m not a stupid person. I’ve seen how much she works and how little money she actually gets to keep. I can only assume she has to hand over her check to her mother. I rarely see her spend a dime. The only time she lets me do anything for her is when my mom brings over food. Now that she’ll eat without complaint. She loves my mom’s cooking, which makes me happier than she could ever know.
Tommy ended up buying a recliner last week to add to our living room. The problem is that he likes to spread out on the couch leaving no room for anyone else. I think he realized how impractical one sofa was, especially when we have company. So he takes the chair and Maggie and I sit on the couch at opposite ends.
“Do you have a blanket I could snuggle up with?”
“Sure. I’ll go grab it.”
“Thanks Vince.”
When I walk back into the room, I gently cover her with the softest blanket we have. Halfway through the movie, Maggie stretches out on the couch putting her feet in my lap. We haven’t had much physical contact with each other being in the friend zone and all so this is nice. She did let me hold her hand both times we went to the creek but I didn’t focus too much on it. Lots of people hold hands without it meaning anything. I gently start to rub her feet while facing the tv. I don’t dare look over at her just in case she is trying to tell me to stop without using her words. She likes to give me looks that only I understand. Well, I’m starting to understand. Kind of. Girl’s are complicated when you actually try to get to know them.
After the movie, I drive her to the park down the street from her house. I really hate dropping her off when it’s this dark outside. Before she gets out, she hesitates for a moment.
“Thank you for tonight. It was really nice to hang out for a change. Tommy is a really great roommate. I’m glad you have each other.”
“Thanks, Maggie. He’s like a brother to me but you already knew that. I like that you have Amanda. She seems like a great friend.”
“She is. We’ve known each other since we were little kids.” She looks up into my eyes and I wait. I wait for her to finally tell me what is lingering behind those beautiful light brown eyes but she doesn’t say anything else. Instead, she smiles weakly before turning to get out of the car.
“I’ll see you tomorrow after practice.”
“Okay. Goodnight Vincent.”
“Goodnight Magnolia.”
Chapter Eleven
I can’t believe Maggie is leaving for the next three days. She’s going to visit her Grandfather a couple of hours away for his birthday. I can see how much he means to her by the way she talks about him. I wish she didn’t have to work tonight so we could hang out for a couple of hours instead of the limited amount of time after she gets off work. At least Amanda has a date that will keep her out until around 11:00 pm. It’s 9:40 now and I can’t wait any longer to head to the video store. After pulling into the parking lot, I wait patiently for her to come outside.
“Hey Maggie. How was work?”
“Good. A little slow for a Friday night.”
She seems a little preoccupied so I turn the radio to her favorite station and zone out the rest of the drive back to my house. We have become comfortable enough with each other that we can sit quietly without feeling awkward or uneasy.
After a few embarrassing moments with Tommy, we head back to my room. Maggie wants to study, so I offered to help. She seems genuinely surprised that I know calculus. I can’t say I blame her. I did drop out at the end of my junior year. I also share with her that I’m trying to study for my GED. Her reaction is just what I expected.
“That’s awesome. When are you taking the test?”
“The next available time is right before Christmas. But I’m not sure if I’ll be ready.”
“What do you need help with? Maybe we can study together?”
She continues to amaze me. She has so much on her plate yet she is always willing to help others. I will gladly accept her help, especially if it means spending more time together. After finishing up her homework, our time is up. I have to take her to Amanda’s house before it gets any later.
“You ready?” I ask hoping against all odds that she will say no.
“Yeah. Thanks again for all your help. I guess I will see you Monday after practice.”
“What will I do with myself all weekend?”
“I have no clue. But I’m sure you and Tommy will figure something out. Just try and stay out of trouble.”
“Us? Get in trouble? Never.” At least not since we were teenagers.
The drive to Amanda’s is quiet. I never turn on the radio but Maggie doesn’t seem to notice. We both get caught up in our own thoughts. Sometimes I wish I could read her mind. I decide to do something I’ve never done before. I get out of the car and walk around to her side. Before she can protest, I pick her up in a huge bear hug.
I close my eyes, tightening my grip on her tiny waist. At first, her body tenses up from my surprise attack. This is the most contact we’ve ever had so I don’t blame her for being unsure. It might sound corny as hell, but she literally smells like flowers. I inhale deeply trying to claim every ounce of her scent before I have to let go. I can feel her body finally start to relax into mine, so I slowly let her slide down in front of me, never fully releasing her from my grasp. Here we are, just the two of us, breathing the same air in a moment that could change everything. I don’t want it to end. I lean down and whisper softly in her ear.
“Be safe, Magnolia.”
All I see now are two light brown eyes staring up at me questioning everything. I can see her trying to process what’s happening. It’s taking every ounce of restraint not to lean down and kiss her. It has to come from her. She has to want this.
Before she can decide, her best friend walks up behind us yelling something incoherent. I rest my forehead against hers and exhale.
“See you when I ge
t back.” She squeezes me gently before turning to head into Amanda’s house.
I don’t think I got any sleep last night. I couldn’t stop thinking about what almost happened, what should have happened last night. I saw it in her eyes for a split second. I swear she was going to say yes. I can’t wait anymore. I have got to talk to my mom. Maybe she’ll know what I should do.
About twenty minutes later, I pull into my mother’s driveway. It’s only then that I notice the time. I really hope she still gets up early on Saturday’s. I decide to knock on the door instead of just walking in like I normally would. I don’t want to scare her. A minute later, the door slowly opens and my mom peeks her head out.
“Oh, Vincent. Good morning. What are you doing here so early?”
“I just needed to talk if that’s alright?”
“Of course, Mijo. Come in. You can join me for some coffee.”
“Thanks, Mom.” We head over to the kitchen. I can see her steaming cup of coffee already on the table and it gives me some relief to know I didn’t wake her up. She pours me a cup, then sits down across from me at the table.
“What’s going on, Vincent? Is everything okay?”
“Yes and no. I mean, everything is fine. It’s just that a few weeks ago I met this girl. I haven’t mentioned her to you yet because she is insistent on just being friends. She has told me over and over that she doesn’t have time for a relationship because her life is pretty full with school and work. But I also think there is something more going on. I don’t think things are great at home but she won’t open up to me. We keep spending more and more time together. Mom, she’s really incredible. She’s extremely intelligent, she makes me laugh, and she has such a good heart. But that’s not the only reason why I like her. It’s not necessarily her great qualities, although that helps, a big part of my draw to her is the way she makes me feel. She has so much confidence in me. She encourages everything I do and tries to help in any way she can.”
“She sounds quite remarkable. So what’s the problem?”
“I just don’t know what to do. I really like this girl and I want more than just friendship.”
“Ahhh…I see. If you really want my advice, then I will give it to you.”
“I really do. I think her words are saying one thing but her heart is saying something else. We had a moment last night that I thought was going to get us to the next step.”
“What happened?”
“Her friend walked up and kind of ruined it.” My mother laughs quietly but not quiet enough.
“What’s so funny?”
“Vincent, if it’s meant to be, it will be. You will have plenty of moments with her. My advice is to be patient. She sounds like a very strong girl who wasn’t expecting to meet someone like you. Sometimes we can get so set in our own plans that we can’t see the bigger picture.”
“I understand what you’re saying. I think. I just don’t want to ruin what we already have by making a move if she isn’t really interested. I can’t even believe I’m talking to you about this right now. But last night I gave her a hug goodbye and I could have sworn she was going to kiss me. Ugh. Why are girls so hard to understand?”
“We are very complicated creatures. The sooner you learn that the better off you will be. She clearly likes spending time with you or she would make excuses not to see you. There is nothing wrong with being friends first and taking things slowly.”
“Thanks, Mom. I just needed to talk it out. I think I feel better.”
“Give it time, Vincent. If she’s everything you’ve described, then isn’t she worth the wait?”
“Now, tell me all about her. I want to hear everything and don’t leave anything out.”
I spend the next couple of hours talking to my mom about Maggie, my business and everything else she can think to ask about. I think she’s enjoying my impromptu visit because she keeps bribing me with food. It’s just after lunch time when my phone beeps. It’s a text from Maggie and it makes me laugh. I send her back a short response and put my phone away. We don’t communicate much when we aren’t together. I get the impression she doesn’t want her mother to know we’re friends so it’s nice when she does actually text or call.
“What’s so amusing?” My mother asks from across the room.
“Maggie just texted me asking if I found something do to with my time since she’s gone.” I can’t help but smile at her comment.
“Oh, Vincent. You’ve got it bad.” My mother says while grinning from ear to ear. I just smile back like a lunatic because she’s absolutely, one hundred percent right. Of course that’s the moment my kid brother decides to walk in the room.
“Vinny finally got himself a girlfriend? Really? The dry spell is over?”
“Zip it, kid. I never said she was my girlfriend. Mind your own business.”
“I just think it’s great if you did finally meet someone, that’s all. I wasn’t trying to be a pain.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I’m just cranky because I didn’t get much sleep.” I have tried so hard over the last couple of years to be as loving and supportive of Joey as possible but that kid can still get under my skin.
“I’m going to head home and take a nap. Thanks for filling me up with awesome food and some good advice, Mom.”
“You’re welcome. I’m here whenever you need anything.”
“I know. Thanks. See you later.”
“Bye, Vincent.”
Chapter Twelve
Two more days before I see Maggie. Why is it that when you want time to go by quickly it doesn’t and when you want something to last just a little longer, it flies by? At least I was able to get some sleep after I got home. Tommy could tell I was a little anxious after waking up, so he suggested we go to the pool hall and hang out. I gladly accepted because I could use the distraction.
“What in the world takes you so long to get ready? I swear you’re worse than a girl.” I’m on the verge of losing my patience after waiting almost an hour for Tommy to primp and fix his hair.
“Calm down. It’s not like you have anything better to do. It’s not like you have plans with Maggie or anything. Man, you almost seem like a lost puppy dog with her out of town.”
“Shut the hell up. You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not some pathetic loser who can’t function just because some girl isn’t around.”
“Dude, seriously? You spend all your free time with Maggie. I get it. You don’t know what to do with yourself now that she’s gone. It’s not a big deal. I was just giving you a hard time.”
“Well, don’t. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit.”
“Okay, okay. Sorry. Can we just have a good time tonight?”
“Whatever assmunch. Let’s go.”
I don’t know why Tommy’s words bothered me so much. Maybe it’s because I do feel lost without her and that scares me more than anything. How could I get so attached to one person so soon? I don’t know if I like feeling this way. Maybe I need a distraction. It’s probably good that I’m going out tonight. I don’t need to be with Maggie every single weekend. Guy time is important too.
We walk up to a tiny building attached to a gas station. I know it doesn’t look like much from the outside, but inside is actually pretty nice. Well, nice for a small town that only has like three other places to choose from. Tommy and I look older than we are so we never get carded. We order two beers and put out quarters on the pool table so we can play the next game. We take a seat on some empty bar stools at the end of the bar to wait our turn.
“Everything okay with you, man?”
“You just seem on edge. Does it really bother you that much that Maggie isn’t here?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.” I start to rub the back of my neck, trying to release some of the tension I feel building up.
“Look, I know that Maggie keeps insisting you are just friends but she likes you. I’ve seen the way she l
ooks at you. So don’t get all uptight about the situation. It will work itself out.”
“How would you know anything about relationships or what a girl wants or doesn’t want?”
“I may not know much about relationships but I sure as hell know when a girl is into me and that girl is definitely into you.”
I take a long drink from my beer considering what Tommy is saying. He’s right about one thing, he knows when a girl is interested in him. Maybe I’m not crazy. Maybe she’s starting to see me in a different light. Maybe we have a chance to have something great together. I need to stop thinking about this. It’s not doing me any good right now but it might be time to talk to her. To tell her how I’m feeling.
“Hey man, snap out of it. We’re up.”
“Huh…oh right. Sorry. Are you ready for me to kick your ass?”
“Like you ever beat me. I rule this table.”
“In your dreams.” Tommy almost never wins; he just likes to act cocky as hell. His skills are improving but not enough to beat me. I welcome the distraction because it actually works. I don’t think about Maggie or us or what we are for the rest of the night.
Sunday seems to drag but I try to stay busy drawing up new plans for a couple of my current customers. I also clean the house, work on my invoices for the business and bother Tommy until he can’t take it anymore. God, I’m pathetic. At least tomorrow I will have work to keep me busy until I get to see Maggie. I hope she had a good time with her Grandfather. I haven’t decided for sure if I’m going to talk to her about where this is headed. I keep hearing my mother’s voice telling me to be patient. I’m really trying hard to take her advice.
Monday morning, I get the worst news I can think of. Maggie texted me that she is home sick and won’t be at school. Which means she won’t be going to work either and I won’t get to see her today. I send her a quick text hoping she feels better soon. I can’t help feeling a little uneasy about the situation. I don’t know why, but there is something that doesn’t feel right. I brush it off as disappointment and decide to work extra today so I will have more free time for her tomorrow.