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Sublime Forgiveness (Sublime Series Book 3) Page 6
Sublime Forgiveness (Sublime Series Book 3) Read online
Page 6
We all clink our glasses together to celebrate our new home. I can see my mother swipe a tear from the corner of her eye. I gently reach over, pulling her close to me and I whisper in her ear.
“I love you, Mom.”
“I love you too, Mijo.”
After dinner, we put on a movie and snuggle up on the couch. I’m not used to having much down time. Between long factory hours and trying to build my business, it’s been forever since I just relaxed. I’m usually so exhausted by the time I get home that I eat and pass out. The entire summer will be dedicated to my lawn care business. I wish I could pay Tommy full-time but for now he has to settle for part-time hours, meaning he still works at the factory. I’m doing everything in my power to change that.
The last month and a half has flown by. I absolutely love living on my own. It’s crazy because I used to think that meant being able to party and drink whenever I wanted. Now that I have the ability to do whatever I want, I don’t do any of that shit. Tommy and I are pretty similar because we like peace and quiet. I think he likes it because when he lived at home all he heard was yelling. I like it because it gives me space to think. I’ve been drawing up tons of ideas for different yards trying to figure out if I’m even capable of doing actual landscape. I have my doubts and haven’t talked to anyone about my ideas.
“Hey, man. What time are we going over to Mom’s house?” Tommy asks just after walking through the front door.
Tonight is my big birthday dinner. I can’t believe I’m turning 20. Tommy asked if I wanted to have a party but I said no. I just want my family around me celebrating my 20 years of life. Simple.
“She wants us there by 6 o’clock. And Joey’s bringing his girlfriend, Keri.” I yell over my shoulder from the couch.
“So, I finally get to meet the girl who has stolen young juniors heart.”
“Yeah, she’s a nice girl. Don’t scare her off.”
“Me? Never.” Tommy gives me a wicked grin.
“I mean it!” He shakes his eyebrows up and down in a mischievous way. I guess I can’t really stop him. If I’m being honest, it might be kind of fun to watch. I haven’t picked on Joey in years. And now I don’t have to do the dirty work. Tommy is more than happy to do it for me.
“Let me get cleaned up and then we can head over.”
“Sounds good.”
I already took my shower to wash away all the grass and mud from a full day of lawn care. July is a killer month because of the heat. I think I sweat out about half my body weight today. But I made sure to have enough time to go out and buy a nice shirt to wear to dinner. It’s been a long time since I dressed in anything other than a t-shirt. I stopped going to Church when my dad passed away. My mom and Joey still go but I just can’t bring myself to walk through those doors. Anyway, I outgrew everything that was appropriate for a nice occasion. I thought my mom would like it if I looked decent for a change.
Tommy takes forever to get ready. I’m sitting in the living room with my light blue dress shirt and jeans waiting on this loser.
“Hurry up. We’re going to be late assmunch!”
“You can’t rush something this good looking.” Tommy comes out of his bedroom in full bachelor mode. His hair is spiked in the front and his blue eyes are popping because of his white button down shirt. He even has on slacks instead of jeans.
“What the hell are you up to? You never dress up like this unless you are after a new piece of ass.”
“I don’t know what you mean. I always look this good.”
I decide to let it go. I have a feeling things are about to get very interesting with Joey and Keri. When Tommy puts on the charm, no girl can resist. We hop in my newly acquired 1969 Ford Mustang. One of my customers sold it to me for an incredibly low price and lots of free yard work. It needs a lot of work but I don’t care. I absolutely love it. I have been driving around in my Dad’s old pick-up for the past couple of years. It was time for a change. Someday I hope to save up enough to get a newer truck for my business but for now, the old beater works.
Once we get to mom’s house, Tommy and I walk up to the front porch. He stops me, grabs my shoulder and turns me toward him before we go inside.
“Hey, uhhh…I got you something. It isn’t much but I wanted to do something for you. You really are like a brother to me and I don’t know what I would do without you.”
He hands me an envelope with a piece of paper stuffed inside. I pull it out slowly, wondering what he could possibly get me. When I unfold the yellow carbon copy, I see Dave’s Auto Shop written at the top. It’s a receipt for some car parts.
“What is this?”
“I stopped by the shop near the end of town today and bought some parts for the Mustang. I figured it would help her run better. I know it isn’t much but it’s a start.”
“Thank you, man. This means so much to me. I really appreciate it.” I give Tommy the biggest bear hug I can manage. He is so huge that my arms barely reach around his giant chest.
“Now let’s go eat! I’m starving.” I laugh in his ear and squeeze one more time before letting him go. He isn’t much for the touchy feely crap so I let him head inside before things get awkward. I walk into the house that I called home for so many years.
“Vincent, you look so handsome. Happy Birthday, Mijo.” My mother comes over and embraces me in a very long hug that lasts forever. But I let her because me and Joey are all that she has left.
“Hi Mom. Thanks for having us over.”
“Of course. Anytime. I made all your favorites. Why don’t you boys sit down on the couch and relax. Joey went to go get Keri. They should be back very soon.”
“Do you need any help?”
“No, thank you. It’s your day. I want you to sit. Understand?”
“Yes ma’am.” There is no arguing with her.
About 10 minutes later, Joey walks in with his girlfriend Keri. Before Joey can even get the door closed behind him, Tommy jumps out of his seat to introduce himself to the young blonde girl in front of us. Full of charm and good looks, he starts pouring it on thick.
“Good evening. You must be Keri. I’m Tommy, Vincent’s best friend. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you. If I do say so myself, Joey hasn’t done you justice. You are even more beautiful than he described.”
“Oh boy.” I say under my breath. This is going to be a long night. Joey immediately steps between the two but not before Tommy raises Keri’s hand up to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on the top of her fingers.
“That’s enough. Keep your hands to yourself, Becker.” Joey puffs out his chest as much as possible but let’s face it, the kid looks like a dwarf next to big foot. Keri keeps things cordial.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Tommy. I’ve heard a lot about you as well. Including what a womanizer you are so if you don’t mind, I’m going to join Martina in the kitchen as I have no desire to play your games.”
I can’t contain my laughter. I try, I really do but it starts bubbling up my chest until it can’t be contained any longer. The first girl in history to turn down Tommy Becker. It’s just priceless. The best birthday present a guy could ask for.
“How you like me now, punk?” Joey leans into Tommy’s chest, trying desperately to reach his face but falling short. He still gives him a cocky, little smirk before shoving past him and heading into the kitchen.
“What in the hell just happened?”
“I think you just got burned. And by an almost freshman in high school no less.” I say my words through bouts of laughter because the whole display is nothing short of hysterical.
“Laugh it up pretty boy. Looks fade eventually and then what will you have? At least I’ll still be charming.”
“Not according to Keri.” Tommy gives me the death glare but I ignore him. “Come on, let’s go eat.”
After dinner I help my mother with the dishes. She insisted I go sit down in the living room with everyone else but I refused. I like he
lping her in the kitchen. It reminds me of when my dad would help her. In a way, it makes me feel connected to him, however small that connection may be.
“Vincent, any news to share with your mother?”
“Like what, Mom?”
“Anyone new in your life?”
“No. How about you?”
“Vincent, that is highly inappropriate. What would your father say?” I see the hurt in her eyes at such a suggestion. God, I’m such an ass.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I won’t bring it up again. Work is going really well. I picked up two new customers this week.”
“That’s really great, honey. I just worry about you. You haven’t dated anyone since Angie. Is there something you want to talk about?”
“Not really. I just haven’t found anyone that interests me. I’m tired of wasting my time with girls that aren’t going to last. The ones that aren’t in it for the long haul. When I’m ready, I’ll settle down.”
“I know you are young and have the rest of your life. Just don’t pass up an opportunity because you’re afraid to lose what your father and I had. I don’t regret a single minute with him. I want you to experience a love like that. I know it isn’t easy for you to talk about girls with your mother, but please try. I’m here to listen whenever you have a question or concern.”
“I know, Mom. When the time is right and I meet the right girl, you’ll be the first person I tell. Okay?”
“Okay. I love you. I just want you to be happy.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
“Happy Birthday, Vincent.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Chapter Ten
I can’t believe how much my life has changed since turning 20. Who would have thought that I would meet someone so amazing, so intelligent, so caring just a few weeks after talking to my mom about relationships? Not this guy. Maggie Wilson came into my life out of nowhere. One minute I’m existing, working everyday to support my family and myself and then all of a sudden everything changes. It’s been two weeks since I gave her that first ride to work. Two of the best weeks of my life.
The only problem is that Maggie doesn’t want to be anything more than friends. At first, it took me off guard how distant she was being and truthfully how utterly disinterested she seemed in me. I thought she was repulsed by the mere idea of being with someone like me. Someone with a past like mine. But lately, I’ve gotten glimpses of her looking at me in a way that is not “friendly” but more romantic. She seems stubborn as hell though, so I have to be patient. I don’t think it’s my past that bothers her. I feel like something more is going on at home. I’m trying to build our trust so she’ll open up to me.
After spending the entire evening with her tonight, a first for us, I decided I would take her to the creek tomorrow. I’m not sure what came over me but after really getting to talk to her, it seemed like the next step for us. Maybe if I share something so private, she’ll tell me more about herself. Sure, we talked, but it was about all the surface stuff like school and work. I also discovered just how much she loves food. I still chuckle when I think about her tiny frame cramming an entire burger in her mouth in less than two minutes. Everyday I see something new that I like about her. She isn’t afraid to be herself around me. I like that.
I’m so nervous about her seeing the creek tomorrow morning. I’ve never taken anyone there and Joey hasn’t been since dad passed away. So it’s almost become my private spot. A place just for me. But something inside tells me that I want to share that with her. There is just something about Magnolia Wilson that has me re-thinking everything I want out of life. The last words she spoke to me tonight will linger with me well into the morning.
“But for you, I will be up and ready to go.”
What does that mean for me? Like she wouldn’t normally get up that early for anyone else? Sometimes I feel like I need a code book on girl talk. Is she sending me hints that maybe she has changed her mind? I guess only time will tell.
I tossed and turned the entire night replaying our last interaction together. I might have to talk to my mom about this situation sooner than I wanted. I push aside my confusion and get ready. At least I get to spend today with Maggie. After a quick shower and a pop tart for breakfast, I climb in my truck and head over to her friend Amanda’s house. I haven’t officially met her but I know who she is. She seems like a really good friend to Maggie and that makes me like her even without really knowing her.
I pull up to the two story house on Delaware Street just as Maggie is stepping outside. God, she’s beautiful. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail, which I happen to think is sexy as hell because now I can see her neck. She has on a white tank top and jeans. She’s a natural beauty who doesn’t need make-up to look unbelievable. Once she sees me, I try to forget that I got no sleep last night and plaster a big smile on my face. But she is having nothing to do with me this early in the day. Another new trait I just learned. She is most definitely not a morning person. It makes me like her even more.
After saying a few short words, she huddles up against the passenger door and falls asleep. I’m finding it hard to concentrate on the road when this gorgeous girl is within arms length. Patience. I have to have patience. I don’t want to lose her even if all we ever have is friendship. Just being around her does something to my mood. I’m finding out that physical contact isn’t as necessary as I thought.
The closer we get to the creek, the more my nerves pick up. Should I be doing this? Is she going to like it? What if she thinks it’s super lame? What if this is the biggest mistake of my life? Okay, now I’m being dramatic. If she is the girl I think she is, she’s going to love it.
After a few bumps in the road, she wakes up. Apparently her nap didn’t improve her mood. I start to tease her but quickly stop after I get the look. About ten minutes later, I pull off to the side and park the truck. I hope she doesn’t mind a little hike. After convincing her I’m not a serial killer, she gets out and starts walking. She follows behind me closely and only complains once or twice. Right before we break through the tree line, I ask her not to tell anyone about this place. She agrees and seems sincere. We walk through the tree branches, finally reaching our destination. The creek.
I think I’m holding my breath waiting for her reaction. When she turns to me her words touch me more than she will ever know.
“Thank you so much for showing me this place. It’s just…magical.”
I couldn’t agree more. I start talking nervously, sharing about my dad. I surprise myself because I haven’t talked about him with anyone in such a long time. But then Maggie shocks the hell out of me. She tells me all about her father. I had a suspicion that something happened to him when I saw the picture of the two of them in her room. I studied every other picture on her wall last night looking for a more recent photo of the two of them. When I saw none, I came to my own conclusion.
I listen intently to what she has to say and take everything into consideration. I try not to take anything in life for granted especially after losing my dad but I can’t help the anger I feel sometimes over his sudden loss. Her belief is that everything happens for a reason. Maybe she was meant to come into my life, possibly to help me get over the loss of my father. Maybe there’s an entirely different reason or maybe it was just luck. I don’t think it really matters to me why or how she came into my life, just that she did.
The rest of the day is spent laughing, eating and talking even more. Outside of the few hours she had to go to work, we were together the entire day. The best part of my day by far was when she asked to go to the creek again tomorrow. The look of pure honesty in her eyes and the intention behind her words made me believe she was being sincere. How did I ever get so lucky to have this remarkable person in my life? The more time I spend with her, the more I want to be around her.
After the weekend at the creek, we start to get into a good routine. I pick her up after swim practice, take her to work and pick her up after
she gets off. My best days are the days when she doesn’t have to work at all. I also find myself worrying about her a little more each day. I’ve seen small signs here and there that things aren’t good at home. She never wants to be dropped off in front of her house. She doesn’t talk about her mother much and I’ve seen her appear hurt or sore a couple of times with no real explanation. But I can tell she isn’t ready to open up about what’s happening behind closed doors.
Today is one of the days we actually get to hang out after her swim practice. I’ve done everything possible to arrange my schedule around hers. Sometimes I haul ass to finish up early just so I can spend ten minutes taking her to work. I’m hooked already and I don’t even know where this is headed.
“So, what do you want to do today?” I ask before shifting the car into gear and taking off out of the parking lot at the school. It’s better to know where we’re headed before I start driving.
“Actually, I was hoping we could grab some dinner and then maybe watch a movie at your place.”
“I think that sounds perfect. How does pizza sound?”
“I’m pretty sure I can afford to pay for half a pizza so that sounds great. Thanks.”
“I think I have a coupon to that place around the corner.”
“Vincent, don’t try to be sneaky and pay for the whole dinner yourself. You know how I feel about that.”
“I know. You remind me all the time. I promise I have a coupon. But will you please let me pay for the movie?”
“Fine. And I don’t remind you every single day. Just on the rare occasion you forget.”
“Maggie, I’m perfectly aware of where we stand. I like hanging out with you. Is that so bad?”