Sublime Forgiveness (Sublime Series Book 3) Read online


  Book 3 in the Sublime Series

  a novel by:

  Charlene Zapata


  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, or events are products of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book can be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated.

  Copyright © 2016 by Charlene Zapata

  All rights reserved.

  First Edition: February 2016

  Cover Design by:

  Scott King

  [email protected]

  Edited by:

  Bre Land


  To My Husband:

  You give up your time to help me fulfill my dreams. You support this crazy book world even though you don’t understand it. You are compassionate, supportive, and seriously one of the smartest men I know.

  You are the last man in my life. The man that I will spend the rest of my life with. I love you. This is dedicated to you because none of this is possible without you.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Chapter One

  My alarm buzzes in my ear, screaming for me to get up. I really wish summer could last just a little longer. I hate school. Like really fucking hate it. It’s such a waste of time. I’m just going to end up at a dead end job like my parents. My dad didn’t even make it past the 9th grade and we’re doing just fine. So what if he works two jobs? It gets the bills paid. I do feel bad for my mom sometimes because she works so hard at the restaurant for very little money. I mean, she even finished high school and look where it got her. Nowhere. That’s my future. A whole lot of nothing.

  “Let’s go Vincent. It’s time to get up.” My father pounds on my bedroom door. He has no patience for my laziness. He even took the morning off to make sure I get my ass up and ready. The first day is always the hardest.

  “I’m up. Stop banging on my door like you’re the police.”

  “You will get to school on time. Now get up!”

  “Whatever.” I hiss under my breath.

  I’m counting down the days until high school is over or I get expelled. Which is a very real possibility. After taking a quick shower, I throw some clothes on, grab just my wallet and head out to the kitchen. We live in a small 3-bedroom house in Milford, Ohio. I guess I should be grateful for my own room because most of the houses in our neighborhood only have 2 bedrooms. My kid brother is sitting at the table scarfing down pancakes like he might never eat again. He always looks so damn happy. Loser.

  “Mijo, come sit down and have some breakfast with us. You need a nice, hot meal before school.”

  “No thanks, Mom. The guys are probably waiting for me.” I ignore the disappointed look on my mother’s face as I grab some pop-tarts still in the wrapper. I kiss her on the cheek on my way out the door which gives her the tiniest smile. My father yells something at me but I ignore him and keep walking, letting the screen door slam shut behind me. I cross over the next two blocks before taking a left turn down Vine St.

  Standing at the corner with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth, is my best friend, Tommy Becker. The guy is a legend with the ladies. I don’t get it but then again I’m a dude. I walk up and give him our classic guy hand shake while leaning in for a half ass hug.

  “What’s up, man?” I lean away from the trail of smoke climbing up the side of Tommy’s body before it can hit my face.

  “Not much. Just waiting on your sorry ass. What takes you so damn long to get ready, pretty boy?”

  “Watch it. Don’t start your shit with me this early. And what’s with the smoking? I thought you were going to quit.” We start walking toward the high school, dragging our feet to the impending dullness that is our education.

  “My parents stress me out too much to quit. My dad started harping on me again about missing tryouts for the football team. When is he going to get it through his thick head that I will never be this amazing athlete? Every year it’s the same damn thing.”

  “Sorry, man. I get it but you know you reek, right? That stuff smells awful. I still don’t know how you hide it from your parents.”

  “Let’s talk about something else. So when is the old man going to let you start driving? I mean, you did turn 16 over the summer. It would be nice if we could actually drive places instead of walking everywhere.”

  “That’s never going to happen. He won’t pay for driver’s ed until I get my act together. Whatever the hell that means. I don’t need him anyway. Who says I need a license or a car from my parents to drive around this crappy little town.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that. What are you going to do?”

  Tommy could always tell when I had something up my sleeve. Just as we cross over the railroad tracks, I spot exactly what I’m looking for. I turn my head from side to side looking for any witnesses before I gently pull up on the door handle of an old Ford Escort. I silently thank the idiot who left their door unlocked. Hotwiring is a skill that only works on cars made before 2001 or 2002. Well, that is for a rookie like me. Good thing this tiny town is full of old clunkers. It isn’t much to look at, but who cares. It will get us where we need to go.

  “Dude, what the hell are you doing?”

  “You said you wanted a car, so I’m making that happen.”

  “Crazy motherfucker. You want to end up in jail?”

  “That isn’t going to happen. As long as we don’t get caught. Now stop being a pussy and get in.”

  Tommy nervously climbs into the seat next to me. I pop the steering column off with a pen that I found lying on the floorboard. I grab the bundle of wires, pulling out the ones to the battery first. Once I get those connected, I strip the starter wire and spark it against my live wires. The engine comes to life. After breaking the lock on the steering wheel we are good to go. It’s amazing what you can learn on the internet.

  “Let’s go get Dustin and Nate. They can hook us up with some old plates so we don’t get busted. See, it’s all about being two steps ahead of the cops. Dumb criminals get
caught, not the intelligent ones.”

  “Keep telling yourself that. And why do we have to pick up those guys? They really are nothing but trouble. Can we just get to school?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Dustin and Nate are cool. What’s your problem with them?”

  I really didn’t need to ask. It was clear that Tommy never approved of the asinine stunts I pulled when I was with those two. Having super strict parents saved his ass on more than one occasion. The first time I got thrown into juvy, it was with Dustin and Nate. They wanted to steal a couple of 40’s from the convenience store. I was more than willing to go along. We learned a valuable lesson that day. Don’t get caught. We honed our skills over the next year and now it was no problem lifting beer from the locals. But with a car, we could hit every store within a 50-mile radius. The possibilities were endless.

  “Fine. I’ll drop you off at school and then hook up with the guys.”

  “Thanks. I just don’t need my old man giving me grief for missing the first day of school.”

  “Don’t sweat it, man. I get it. My dad isn’t going to be happy when he finds out. Maybe I’ll show up late so at least I can say I went.”

  Tommy doesn’t say much the rest of the way to school. I know he doesn’t approve of my wild side but he doesn’t judge me either. I drop him off down the street because I don’t want to be seen just yet. I have got to get different plates on this car before it gets noticed. I cruise down Church Street in search of the two guys who tend to get me in more trouble than they’re worth. But who cares when you live in a dead end town and getting into trouble is about the only thing there is to do.

  I slow down as I approach two gangly figures punching each other in the arm. Nate is tall and thin as a rail while Dustin is just a bit shorter with a little more meat on his bones. Both have short dark hair and pale skin. I always joke that they could pass as brothers, which usually gets me cussed out by both of them. I pull over to the curb about a block ahead of them and wait. They almost pass me by without a second glance. I roll down the window and shout out to them right before they cruise by the front end of the car.

  “Get in, losers!” I get just the reaction I wanted. Both guys turn with shock on their faces.

  “No way! Where did you get this?” Just as Nate asks the question, he leans into the car glancing at the loose wires. Dustin walks up behind him with a shit eating grin on his face. He pushes Nate out of the way so he can get a better look.

  “You’re going to need plates. Let’s hit the junkyard.” Dustin has the best ideas. That’s one of the reasons I keep him around.

  Both the guys climb inside without hesitation. I think we all know we are doomed to work in a factory or gas station someday so why not make the most of our time while we still can. Live in the moment is what I always say. After getting some rust covered plates off a station wagon that is older than all of us put together, I decide it might be better to get to school. I don’t need my dad getting suspicious of my whereabouts. I’d really like to keep this beauty as long as possible but if he starts to suspect something, my freedom will be completely stripped away. And he would watch me like a hawk. Then I would never get to enjoy my newly acquired ride.

  I walk into second period just as the bell rings. I make it in my seat right before the cut off time when they usually call your parents. I slide into a seat near the back of the class but not before getting noticed by Mrs. Hill.

  “So glad you could join us, Mr. Moreno. Maybe this year you can actually participate in class and learn something.”

  Junior year is going to suck ass. I hate getting called out in front of everyone and she knows it. I had her last year for English 2 and now I get to do a repeat since I failed. Not because I’m not smart, believe it or not I do have a brain, but because I never turned in a single assignment. I just don’t give a damn about school. When you know it will never make a difference, there isn’t much point in trying.

  The only thing getting me through this monotonous, insipid waste of a day, is knowing I have a car waiting for me. My dad works late at night with his second job and as long as I’m home for dinner my mom doesn’t complain about me leaving right after. I know she worries but she hates to fight with me so she lets me go. Tommy and I have calculus, history and geography together. The only classes I ever pass are the ones with my best friend. He makes me want to give some kind of effort. I think it’s because he tries so hard to get good grades. He wants to get away from his dad hounding his ass all the time and he thinks the way to do that is to finish high school. Besides, I’m actually pretty good at math. That subject comes easily to me. I don’t know why, just the way my brain works I guess.

  I convince Tommy to come for a ride with us after school. He really doesn’t like Nate or Dustin but he tolerates them because of me. The guys are clueless because Tommy is such a nice guy. You would never know deep down he hates them.

  “What’s up? Where are we headed?” Nate asks with a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.

  “I say let’s hop over to Mansfield and stock up on our supplies. We can hit at least three stores before I have to get home. Then after dinner we can meet up and go drink down by the pool hall. Maybe even pick up some girls.”

  “Sounds like a great plan to me.” Dustin says as he climbs into the backseat with Nate. Tommy doesn’t look convinced. I wait until the guys are out of earshot before leaning over the top of the car.

  “Hey man. You can be the lookout. I know you don’t like getting your hands dirty.”


  We get in the car, crank down all the windows and blare the radio as we make our way to Mansfield. The guys are all hyped up until we get closer to the convenience store. We turn the radio down so we don’t draw too much attention. We agree that Nate will go first while Dustin and I distract the clerk. I have about $20 left from my summer job which should be plenty to keep us going until I get paid again. I discovered that if you actually buy something, it makes you seem less suspicious.

  We operate like a well-oiled machine. The three of us have had tons of practice in the past few months. Tommy seems content waiting in the car. I can’t say I blame the guy. He may look like a professional linebacker but he’s as gentle as a teddy bear. After successfully stocking up on 40’s, Mad Dog, and some Strawberry Boones for the females, we head back to town. Tonight will mark the beginning of a year full of partying and hook-ups and I can’t wait.

  Chapter Two

  The pool hall ended up sucking ass. Why does this town have to be so lame? And the adults wonder why the kids get into trouble. There isn’t anything else worth doing. At least Dustin got us invited to Becky Wallace’s party tonight otherwise this entire bounty of booze would have been a waste. I don’t really know her but I hear her parties are epic. She lives just on the outskirts of town in some rundown shack of a place by herself. No one seems to care though because with no neighbors the chance of the cops getting called is slim to none.

  “Hey man, who you going after tonight?” Nate pulls himself up to the space between the front seats.

  “No clue. But I have to be more careful. After screwing Cindy, she got all clingy and shit. I need to be crystal clear that I’m not looking for anything more than a hook-up.”

  “I hear that. What about you?” Nate turns his head in Dustin’s direction.

  “I don’t even care about getting laid tonight, I just want to get my drink on!” Dustin high fives Nate as if he just said something worth getting recognition. Sometimes I totally get why Tommy doesn’t like these guys. But everyone needs a partner or two in crime.

  We turn off the main road, coming to a stop about half a mile from the shack. It’s already a packed house tonight. I decide to leave about half of our alcohol in the trunk of the car so we have something for tomorrow night before having to make another run. I make sure to grab the nasty shit for the girls. It doesn’t even take five minutes of being here before getting hit on. I’m a guy so I don’t g
ive it much thought but apparently I’m pretty good looking. At least that’s what Cindy and all the other girls keep telling me.

  “Hey sexy. Want to hang with me tonight?” I don’t even know this girl’s name but what the hell.

  “Sure. Want a drink?” I hand her the bottle of Boones and her smile gets even bigger.

  “You sure do know how to treat a girl.” I give her a sly wink while putting my arm around her shoulders. It’s actually sad that it doesn’t take more of an effort for a girl to want to be around a guy.

  A couple of hours later and I can barely walk. I haven’t seen Dustin or Nate in a while and this chick on my lap is getting pretty handsy. Every sip from her bottle seems to make her a little braver, causing her hands to move further south. We’re sitting in front of the impromptu bonfire that someone started when it got dark and I can’t seem to stop myself from wondering if this is all I’ll ever have. Partying it up with the guys and sleeping around with random girls all while working at a dead end job.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when I suddenly feel a tongue licking its way up my neck. Then her lips are on mine, drowning me in her salvia. Ugh. Drunk girls don’t know what the hell they’re doing. I pull away from her face so I can take a breath. Slowly, I lean over and whisper in her ear.

  “Want to go to my car?” She nods her head while a delirious smile crosses over her features. I stand up, pulling her with me and head toward my stolen ride, stumbling along the way.

  Once we get to the car, I open the backdoor and let her climb in first. Sex in a car isn’t the best but when you don’t have any other options, it works. Before I can even get the door closed, the girl starts attacking me. She pulls on my t-shirt, practically ripping it off my body.

  “Hey, slow down. I just want to be clear before this goes any further. I’m not looking for anything beyond what happens tonight. Just one night, here and now. That’s it. Can you handle that?”

  “Absolutely. I just want to say I slept with Vincent Moreno. I’ve heard incredible things about your skills.”